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«Russia is the territory of efficient business». FBK conclude

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On September 21, 2011 a Forum Russia is the Territory of Efficient Business was held in Moscow, annually held by Business Community Assembly. According to the organizers, the objective of the event is to enhance investment climate, hence to enhance industrial and innovative situation in the country.

Within the Forum Director of FBK Strategic Analysis Department, Igor Nikolaev, spoke at the plenary session Orientation at Industrial and Innovative Development: Russia at the Threshold of Choice. The expert emphasized that the draft budget approved by the government for 2012 and for the scheduled 2013-14 contains material risks. “Raising military expenses, security expenses etc. is scheduled, however it is yet unknown whether revenue to implement them will be received”, the analyst reminded. “Authorities will have to increase tax burden. So, it is already known that by 2014 Russian government plan to increase the social payments up to 34%. So, it’s reasonable to have no illusions and to get ready for not the best of all times”, Igor Nikolaev summed up.

State Duma deputies, representatives of executive authorities, lead Russian experts and businessmen participated in the forum.