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Agreement with DAXIN Global

FBK and DAXIN Global, an international network of accounting and consulting firms, have signed a strategic cooperation agreement aimed at developing international business. The agreement suggests that the parties are ready to support each other in rendering audit, accounting, tax and legal consulting services.

According to the 2024 survey released by the International Accounting Bulletin (IAB), Daxin Global ranked 23rd among the world's top audit networks. It has more than 5,000 employees in East, Southeast and South Asia, the Middle East, Europe, North and Latin America, Africa, etc.

Daxin Global is currently present in 34 countries and regions around the world, headquartered in Beijing, China.

俄罗斯财务和会计咨询公司(FBK)与国际审计和咨询网络大信国际(Daxin Global)签订了一项旨在发展国际业务的战略合作协议。这份文件意味着双方愿意在提供审计、会计、税务和法律咨询服务方面相互支持。

根据《国际会计公报》2024年排名,大信国际(Daxin Global)在全球顶级审计网络中排名第23 位,在东亚、东南亚、南亚、中东、欧洲、北美和拉丁美洲、非洲等地拥有5000多名员工。

目前,大信国际(Daxin Global)的业务遍及全球34个国家和地区,总部位于中国北京。