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According to the law firm ranking by the Kommersant newspaper, FBK Legal has once again been recognised as a leader in the legal services market.

The firm has been ranked in 13 categories. Moreover, four lawyers of the firm have been personally endorsed.

Best Lawyers: Federal Ranking

Alexei Nesterenko

  • Tax litigation
  • Tax consulting
  • Retail and trade, FMCG
  • Foreign trade activities

Alexander Grigoriev

  • Digital economy / fintech
  • Tax consulting

Ekaterina Golubeva

  • Digital economy / fintech

Alexander Yalushkin

  • Public-private partnership

Best Legal Practices: Federal Ranking

  • Dispute resolution with the Federal Tax Service
  • Tax legislation consulting
  • M&A of Russian assets: mid-market
  • Commercial dispute resolution: mid-market
  • Foreign trade activities
  • PPP / Infrastructure projects
  • Digital economy / fintech
  • M&A of international assets: mid-market

Industry Best Practices:

  • Retail and trade, FMGG
  • Healthcare and pharmaceuticals
  • Agriculture
  • Financial and banking sector
  • Construction and real estate

According to the law firm ranking by the Kommersant newspaper, FBK Legal has been recognised as a leader in the legal services market. The firm has been ranked in 22 categories. Moreover, six lawyers of the firm have been personally endorsed.

FBK Legal was ranked among the best in the following categories:

  • Competition: settlement of disputes with the Federal Antimonopoly Service;
  • Competition: consulting;
  • Bankruptcy / insolvency of legal entities: mid-market;
  • PPP / Infrastructure projects;
  • Intellectual property: consulting on intellectual property law;
  • Corporate: M&As of Russian assets: high-end;
  • Tax law: settlement of disputes with the Federal Tax Service;
  • Tax law: consulting on tax law;
  • Sanctions law;
  • Employment and migration law: settlement of employment and migration disputes;
  • Employment and migration law: consulting on employment and migration law;
  • Digital economy / Fintech.

The following industry-specific practice areas were included in the ranking:

  • Healthcare and pharmaceuticals: consulting to leaders in the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry;
  • Healthcare and pharmaceuticals: settlement of key disputes in the industry;
  • Construction and real estate: consulting on real estate transactions and sale of construction projects;
  • TMT: consulting to leaders in the TMT industry;
  • Tourism and sport: consulting to leaders in the industry;
  • Transport and logistics: consulting to leaders in the industry;
  • Financial and banking sector: consulting to leaders in the financial and banking sector;
  • Private capital;
  • Energy and natural resources: consulting to leaders in the energy industry;
  • Energy and natural resources: consulting to leaders in the natural resources industry.

Individual awards were presented to FBK Legal’s Managing Partner Alexei Nesterenko (international trade, taxation: tax controversy, taxation: tax consulting), Partners Elena Bokareva (bankruptcy/insolvency, commercial dispute settlement, construction and real estate), Dmitry Knizhentsev (production and industry, agriculture) and Alexander Grigoriev (digital economy / fintech), as well as Head of Practice Tatiana Matveicheva (energy and natural resources) and Head of Practice Natalya Lezhennikova (public-private partnership, corporate/M&A).


Best legal practices

  • Competition: settlement of disputes with the Federal Antimonopoly Service. Federal ranking
  • Competition: consulting. Federal ranking. Band 1
  • Bankruptcy / insolvency of legal entities: mid-market. Federal ranking. Band 2
  • Foreign trade activities. Federal ranking
  • PPP / Infrastructure projects. Band 1
  • Intellectual property: consulting on intellectual property law. Federal ranking. Band 1
  • Corporate: M&As of Russian assets: high-end. Federal ranking. Band 1
  • Corporate: M&As of international assets: mid-market. Federal ranking
  • Tax law: settlement of disputes with the Federal Tax Service. Federal ranking. Band 1
  • Tax law: consulting on tax law. Federal ranking. Band 1
  • Family and inheritance law: divorce, property division and inheritance disputes. Federal ranking. Band 1
  • Family and inheritance law: structuring of inherited assets. Federal ranking. Band 1
  • Employment and migration law: settlement of employment and migration disputes. Federal ranking
  • Employment and migration law: consulting on employment and migration law. Federal ranking. Band 1

Best industry-specific practices

  • Healthcare and pharmaceuticals: settlement of key disputes in the industry. Band 1
  • Healthcare and pharmaceuticals: consulting to leaders in the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry. Band 1
  • Construction and real estate: consulting on real estate transactions and sale of construction projects. Federal ranking. Band 1
  • TMT: consulting to leaders in the TMT industry. Band 1
  • Financial and banking sector: consulting to leaders in the financial and banking sector. Band 1
  • Private capital. Band 1
  • Energy and natural resources: settlement of key disputes in the energy industry. Band 1
  • Energy and natural resources: settlement of key disputes in the metals and coal industry
  • Energy and natural resources: consulting to leaders in the energy industry. Band 2
  • Energy and natural resources: consulting to leaders in the natural resources industry. Band 2

Leading individuals

  • PPP — Nadezhda Orlova
  • Taxation: tax consulting. Federal ranking — Nadezhda Orlova
  • Construction and real estate. Federal ranking — Nadezhda Orlova
  • Employment law — Alexandra Gerasimova
  • Digital economy / Fintech — Sergey Ermolenko
  • Energy and natural resources — Alexander Grigoriev

FBK Legal has been ranked in 24 categories in the Kommersant newspaper ranking of legal services. In addition, the firm's five lawyers were personally endorsed.

The following FBK Legal’s practice areas were recognised among the best: tax consulting and tax litigation, corporate law (Russian assets — high-end and mid-market, international assets — mid-market), competition law (dispute resolution and consulting), family and inheritance law, public-private partnership, intellectual property, employment and migration law (dispute resolution and consulting), and digital economy.

FBK Legal was also marked in such industry-specific categories as healthcare and pharmaceuticals (dispute resolution and consulting), construction and real estate, TMT (technology, media and telecommunications), financial and banking sector, private capital, energy and natural resources (key dispute resolution and consulting for industry leaders).

Individual awards were presented to FBK Legal’s partners Nadezhda Orlova, Galina Akchurina, Sergey Ermolenko, Heads of Practice Alexandra Gerasimova and Alexander Grigoriev.


FBK Legal has been ranked in fourteen categories in the Kommersant newspaper ranking of legal services. In addition, the firm's six lawyers were personally endorsed.

The following FBK Legal’s practice areas were recognised among the best: Commercial Dispute Resolution (high-end and mid-market), Corporate Dispute Resolution (mid-market), Competition, Bankruptcy of Lending Institutions, Public Private Partnership, Intellectual Property, Employment and Migration Law.

Corporate (M&As of Russian and foreign assets), tax consulting and tax litigation practice areas were also mentioned. FBK Legal was also marked in the industry-specific category, Construction and Real Estate: Consulting of Big Construction Projects.

Individual awards were presented to FBK Legal’s partners Nadezhda Orlova, Galina Akchurina, Sergey Ermolenko, Elena Bokareva, Head of Practice Alexandra Gerasimova and Marina Balandina.


FBK Legal has been ranked in five categories in the Kommersant newspaper ranking of legal practices. In addition, FBK Partner Nadezhda Orlova, Head of Tax Consulting Practice Tatiana Matveicheva and Public Relations Department Director Petr Geltishchev received personal recommendations.

FBK Legal was ranked first among best legal practices in M&A (mid-market) and second in Competition.

FBK Legal also made it to the top five industry-specific practices in Banks and Financial Services, Raw Materials and Energy.

In the individual ranking of lawyers FBK Partner Nadezhda Orlova was endorsed in Tax Consulting and Head of Tax Consulting Practice Tatiana Matveicheva was endorsed in Heavy Industry.

Kommersant also paid attention to a non-legal component of a law firm's success and published a short list of specialists in legal marketing, PR and strategy. Public Relations Department Director Petr Geltishchev was ranked third in the list.


FBK Legal ranks first in “Tax consulting”, according to the Best Law Practices rating announced by the Kommersant paper, and also ranks among top five law practices in the area “Land and Real property”.

FBK Legal leads the list of law firms in the Best industry practices rating, specifically, in “Healthcare and pharmaceuticals”, “Retail and trade” and “Raw materials”. Three lawyers have been distinguished by the leading lawyers rating, including Nadezhda Orlova in the area of Tax consulting, Sergey Ermolenko in Anti-trust regulation and Alexander Ermolenko in “Land and Real property”, “Corporate law” and “Commercial disputes resolution”.

«Kommersant»: Rating of the largest Russian law firms 

According to the Kommersant ranking of legal firms, FBK Legal has made it into top 10 leading law practices for 2015. 

The ranking experts have also awarded FBK Legal a top-five rating in Tax Litigation category.
«Kommersant»: Rating of the largest Russian law firms 
FBK Legal joined the ranks of the leaders in «Tax consulting and tax litigation» and was also mentioned as one of the best law firms by business organization efficiency. 
FBK Legal has taken the 3rd place in TOP 15 law firms by the business organization efficiency and the 6th one in TOP 50 law firms by the amount of receipts.
Rating of Kommersant-Money magazine 
In the rating of the largest Russian audit and consulting companies FBK took the 6th place and was also listed among the leaders in individual segments of the audit and consulting services market, in particular, in the areas of Financial management and Legal consulting
Rating of Kommersant-Money magazine 
In the rating of the Russian audit and consulting firms for 2012 FBK has taken the 6th place among the largest audit firms of Russia as well as entered top-10 ones in key consulting services and has taken:

  • the 3rd place by total revenue from tax consulting,
  • the 3rd place by total revenue from legal consulting.

Rating of the Kommersant Publishing House 
In the rating of Russia’s largest law firms published by the magazine «Secrets of the Company», FBK Legal was in 5th place.
Rating of Kommersant-Money magazine 
In the rating of Russian auditing and consulting firms in 2010 published by the magazine Kommersant - Money magazine, FBK was in 6th place among Russia’s largest auditing firms, and was also in the Top-10 by key types of consulting services, taking

  • 4th place by volume of earnings from tax consulting,
  • 6th place by volume of earnings from legal consulting,
  • 7th place by volume of earnings from financial consulting.
Kommersant Publishing House Rating 
According to results in the first half of 2010, FBK Legal was in 6th place in the rating of the largest Russian law firms (Russian law firms – RuLF) published by the Kommersant Publishing House.
According to the rating by the Kommersant–Money magazine, The Largest Companies On The Russian Appraisal Market in 2008, FBK was in 11th place.