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A FBK Legal partner sat in judgement on the evaluation panel at ICC Moot Court Competition

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Nadezhda Orlova, a FBK Legal partner, sat in judgement on the evaluation panel of the International Criminal Court at a semi-final of a moot court organised as part of an educational initiative of the National Research University Higher School of Economics – Model International Criminal Court 2016.

A stage of the ICC Moot Court Competition held in Moscow organised as litigation related mock trials saw the trial participants laying down their arguments trying to get their message across to the jury while the jury made up from visiting lawyers from Russia and European states was supposed to determine whose arguments were most persuasive.

“The semi-finals which I got to judge were won by Kazans, Siberians and Moscovites. They are truly awesome teams! I wish them best of luck at the final stage of the competition which will be held in the Hague,” Nadezhda Orlova said.

She noted that FBK Legal takes part in several educational projects designed for under- and post-graduates under the auspices of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Kutafin Moscow State Law Academy and other prominent Moscow law schools. This year, FBK Legal supports a highly relevant and important initiative of the HSE “Model International Criminal Court” which serves as a training ground for law students.

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Model International Criminal Court
organised by the NRU HSE under the auspices of the International Criminal Court and Russian Local Branch of the International Association of Penal Law is a competition in international law staged as a litigation related mock trial in the ICC.
