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An outlook for cooperation. A meeting between FBK and Gazprom leadership

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FBK leadership headed by the managing partner and president Sergey Shapiguzov and the Chairman of Gazprom PJSC Alexey Miller discussed an outlook for mutual cooperation in the course of a bilateral meeting.

Both sides welcomed the concerted efforts and the progress achieved in the course of collaboration. According to Sergey Shapiguzov, our joint efforts are progressing in a positive way. At present, FBK provides a wide range of services to Gazprom PJSC. In March, FBK was reappointed as the auditor of the Gazprom’s financial statements.

He went on to say, “FBK has provided its services to Gazprom since 1996. Currently, we provide audit and advisory services to Gazprom’s largest subsidiaries. Meanwhile, our talks were not reduced to discussing only ongoing projects, we also discussed prospects for further development and expansion of bilateral cooperation.”

Other participants on FBK side included Elena Proskurnya, Managing Partner, First Vice President, Askold Birin, a FBK partner and Director for International Reporting Department and Alexey Smirnov, a FBK partner and Director for Energy Sector Audit Department.

Gazprom Meeting

Gazprom Meeting

Gazprom Meeting
