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Arbitration courts and anti-crisis management. FBK Legal is at the Legal investment forum in Arkhangelsk

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Anna Grishchenkova, head of FBK Legal Dispute Resolution practice has participated in the work of the Legal Investment Forum «Legal aspects of investment climate in Russian regions».
The Forum has passed under the sponsorship of the Arkhangelsk region Government and Lomonosov North (Arktic) Federal University.

In the work of this Forum there have taken part the best Russian lawyers, representatives of state administrative bodies, the Supreme Arbitration Court, senators of the Federation Council A. Klishas and K. Dobrynin.

Anna Grishchenkova has taken part in the session «Role and significance of attorneys in formation and development of arbitration courts contemporary system» at which there have been discussed the role of arbitration courts in the system of dispute resolution as well as participation of attorneys in arbitration proceedings and qualification criteria for attorneys acting as arbitrators.

Besides the head of FBK Legal Dispute Resolution practice has spoken as a moderator of the session «Anti-crisis management and bankruptcy» during which the representatives of Russian law firms have discussed the themes of trans-border bankruptcy, subsidiary responsibility during bankruptcy as well as a wide range of other important aspects in detail.
«I have a very positive attitude to this Forum and discussion passed within its framework. Being an ideological continuation of Petersburg International Legal Forum the event passed in Arkhangelsk let discuss the important for all legal community themes, share ideas, get feedback from colleagues at the regional level», - Anna Grishchenkova has noted.
