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FBK at Sustainability Round Table Held by RSPP

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FBK Partner Vladimir Skobarev has participated in an extended session of the Committee on Corporate Social Responsibility of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP), which was titled “Indicators of Corporate Sustainable Development: Strategy, Reporting, Measurement”.

FBK Grant Thornton Partner Vladimir Skobarev spoke about sustainable development indicators and non-financial key performance indicators in the Russian Federation and said that “development of indicators for our country should be coordinated with the work performed by the UN so that Russian laws on non-financial reporting will be in line with the global standards and practices at the very start”. 

An analysis titled “RSPP Sustainability, Corporate Social Responsibility and Reporting Indices 2017”, which was subject to independent assurance by FBK for the first time, was presented at the session.
