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FBK at the 2017 DIRECTUM Open Days

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FBK has yet again came up to co-run the annual conference “2017 DIRECTUM Open Days” held 8 June across 12 cities of Russia and near-abroad countries at 19 platforms in the format of on-line sessions. The discussion focused mainly on the improvement of performance of a commercial service in the context of migration to electronic communications platform.

The FBK head office has brought together over 30 representatives from a variety of organisations, entities and institutions of higher education to deliver the session. The vendor dwelt on the key trends in the development of electronic data management systems, improvement of business efficiency through digitalisation, the role DIRECTUM plays in this process. Other speakers included experts from Corporate Management Systems Department, Elena Solomatina, Director, Vasily Sevankayev, Senior manager, and Ilya Chechil, Manager who spoke on the practical electronic exchange of legally important documents and provided examples of such exchange.

“Historically, we have co-run this conference and we encourage new users to join. The event provides ample opportunity to learn about latest developments, new projects and plans pursued by the company the DIRECTUM partners and to try practical application. DIRECTUM-based solutions offered by FBK are concentrated best practices in business process improvement,” Elena Solomatina noted.

FBK has been a DIRECTUM authorised partner since 2009. In 2011, the firm raised its status to become a DIRECTUM certified partner. Each member of the Corporate Management Systems team holds DIRECTUM certified expert status. In 2012, FBK gained DIRECTUM Certified Training Center. The gained certification empowers FBK to deliver certified training in application and management of DIRECTUM-based products and provide certifications upon completion of training.
