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FBK at the UN Geneva Forum on Business and Human Rights

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Alexander Ermolenko, Partner at FBK Legal, participated in the UN Forum on Business and Human Rights held in Geneva from 27 to 29 November.

This year Russian delegation has participated in the Forum for the first time. Alexander Ermolenko presented an analysis of Russian legislation for compliance with the UN Global Compact requirements.

He said, “Our research has confirmed that Russian legislation is in line with global standards. Frequent violations or incorrect interpretations of laws may be liquidated only by setting sustainable legal and administrative precedents. So this is to a large extent a work for us, lawyers.”

The UN Annual Forum on Business and Human Rights is a global platform used to review the progress and share experience in practical implementation of the UN guidelines. It is attended by over two thousand representatives of government authorities, business, public groups and civil society, law firms, investment companies, the UN agencies, national human rights organisations, trade unions, scientific institutions and mass media.

The UN Global Compact is the largest initiative for businesses willing to improve their competencies in corporate social responsibility and sustainability by committing themselves to progressive values related to human rights, labour relations, environmental protection, anti-corruption management and to make their contribution to achievement of sustainability objectives until 2030.
