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FBK audited the Eurochem statements

Date of publication
FBK prepared an auditor’s opinion on the accounting statements of Eurochem MCC, JSC for 2015.

«With many years of experience in working with this sector's companies and profound knowledge of these companies’ specifics we are well-positioned to ensure highly efficient client interaction. We succeeded in carrying out an audit of the annual statements over as few as 4 weeks maintaining high quality of services, while usually it takes as long as the whole first quarter to do that», - noted Natalya Kulakova, leader of the assignment, Associate Director of the RAS Department at FBK.

As further explained by the leader of the project, carrying out an audit and preparation of an opinion within such short timeframes have appeared possible owing to detailed cooperation of the FBK auditors with the Eurochem staff, extensive preparatory work conducted in December, and electronic data exchange.

Eurochem MCC, JSC is one of the world’s largest mineral fertilizer producers. Mineral fertilizers produced by Eurochem account for 2 per cent of the global mineral fertilizer output and 4 per cent of the mineral fertilizers sold in Europe.
