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FBK Audits ALROSA Social and Environmental Report

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FBK has finalised its independent assurance of the 2017 Social and Environmental Report prepared by ALROSA. 

According to Vladimir Skobarev, FBK Partner and Director of Corporate Governance and Sustainability, more and more Russian business leaders tend not only to publish sustainability reports, but also to seek their independent professional assurance. 

“In the end, it is not only beneficial for the company image, but also for its investment prospects and its value,” Vladimir Skobarev says.

ALROSA is the world's largest producer of rough diamonds in carat terms, which accounts for 27% of the global and 95% of Russia’s diamond extraction. The company mainly operates in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and the Arkhangelsk Region, as well as on the African continent. ALROSA’s FY 2017 diamond production totalled 39.6 million carats. Its sales revenue amounted to USD 4.3 billion US dollars.
