Home page> Press center> News>FBK Audits Independence of Winner Selection within First Car Lottery at Pochta Bank

FBK Audits Independence of Winner Selection within First Car Lottery at Pochta Bank

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Pochta Bank has offered a special promotion for new pension clients: those who apply for a pension transfer can take part in a car lottery. Regular customers will also be able to participate, they just need to wait for an invitation. 

The first drawing took place on 24 May. The winner was determined randomly by selecting one participant's number among all participants for the month.
The independence of the winner selection procedure was verified by FBK, which acted as the auditor of this lottery. 

According to Anastasia Terekhina, a Partner at FBK, the professional approach and competence of the firm's specialists assured the lottery results for the bank demonstrating the latter’s creativity and reliability to its clients.