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FBK Delivers Webinar on Operational Reliability of Banks

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On 16 May, FBK arranged a webinar to cover relevant issues associated with operational reliability of banks, which arose from the Bank of Russia’s Regulation on Mandatory Requirements for Credit Institutions to Operational Reliability During Banking Activities to Ensure Continuity of Bank Services (Regulation No. 787-P dated 12 January 2022).

The new requirements extend, and refer to, the Bank of Russia’s Regulation on Requirements to Operating Risk Management at Credit Institutions and Banking Groups (Regulation No. 716-P). At the webinar, experts of the Department of Assurance and Advisory to Financial Institutions — Maya Savitskaya, Mikhail Mantsurov and Viktoria Russkikh — explained the new requirements of the Central Bank of Russia for credit institutions concerning their operational reliability, including operating risk management and business process, as well as the requirements to interaction with IT service providers and information threat awareness.