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FBK Economic Club celebrate its 10th anniversary

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On October 4 a ceremonial meeting of FBK Economic club dedicated to the 10th anniversary of this discussion and expert ground was held. As Alexei Terekhov, FBK Vice-President noted when opening the evening, the company has always paid great attention to developing the club as a unique “place for discussions” where reputable economists and representatives of leading mass-media are gathering for professional discussions on a wide range of economic issues.

Director of FBK Strategic Analysis Department, Igor Nikolaev summarized the results of the past decade. According to him, through this time GDP increased by 59,7% (instead of the promised 100%), however the share of salaries in GDP wage capacity increased more than one and a half times from 23,6% up to 39,5%, oil revenue of treasury amounted to 1,6 trillion USD. Meanwhile FBK held over 50 meetings of Economic club.

Alexei Savatyugin, Deputy RF Minister of Finance, Alexander Gorelik, Director of UN Information Center, Alexander Khandruev, First Vice-President of Association of Regional Banks of Russia, Nikita Maslennikov, Counselor of Institute of Contemporary Development, Vadim Soskov, General Director of Capital management company, other experts as well as representatives of the leading socio-political mass media also attended the meeting.