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FBK experts at the Gazprom’s annual coordination meeting

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The heads of Gazprom’s Accountancy Services, the FBK team and the MoF officials took part in a coordination meeting “Special aspects of accounting reporting in 2016” held recently in Moscow.

The meeting was organised by the Gazprom’s Accounting Department for the staff of the core operating units of the Administration and chief accountants of Gazprom’s subsidiaries.

The meeting aimed at discussing pressing issues of tax and accounting, annual reporting for 2016.

Galina Аkchurina, FBK partner, Head of Tax litigation practice of FBK Legal, made a presentation on the analysis of tax claims and latest developments in court practices on tax disputes involving Gazprom’s subsidiaries.

Ekaterina Lashchinina, Manager at Audit Methodology Department of FBK told the audience about the latest developments in the relationships between the auditor and the audit entity in view of Russia’s transition to the international auditing standards.

Irina Kenzeyeva, a Senior manager of Accounting Advisory Services Department of FKB, spoke on topical issues of estimated environmental liabilities.

Natalya Ryabova, a Senior manager of Tax consulting practice at FBK Legal, dwelt on the special aspects of PIT assessment and accounting, amendments to be introduced in this area in 2017, rules applied to fill in 6-NDFL form.

Mikhail Golovanev, a Senior lawyer at Tax litigation practice at FBK Legal, spoke about the latest developments in the procedure of tax treatment of insurance contributions.

A two-day seminar saw the FBK specialists answering questions on tax and accounting reporting within specialised live sessions.

According to Alexey Smirnov, a FBK partner, Audit and Assurance for Energy Sector, our participation in the Gazprom’s annual coordination meetings further extends and intensify our cooperation with Gazprom PJSC and its subsidiaries.

“We have been working with Gazprom since 1996. Currently, we provide audit and advisory services to Gazprom’s largest subsidiaries. We see it as our honourable duty to participate in Gazprom’s annual seminars and acknowledgement of the quality of our advisory services,” Alexey Smirnov noted.
