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FBK Experts Modernize the E-filing Management System of the Main Radio Frequency Center

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Specialists of the Corporate Management System Department carry on with the development of the E-file system of the Main Radio Frequency Center (MRFC), Federal state unitary enterprise.

According to Elena Solomatina, Department Director, as the result of implementation of the e-files management system on the basis of DIRECTUM, an IT infrastructure was established integrated with the current workflow system allowing you to store the archives and transfer them to other locations. In particular, the problem of data transmission from the archive to several different depositories and the State Archive of the Russian Federation. The use of the barcode technology significantly facilitates the search of and work with the archival documents.

The success of the implementation is confirmed with the Client’s feedback. The MRFC reports that the DIRECTUM-based e-file management system has been in commercial operation for over six months and notes that the use of the e-files management system reduces the costs related to the archival documents storage and retrieval.

“In the process of operation the Client suggested expanding the use of the e-file system by means of archiving the company’s retro documents that need to be stored. We understand that as the recognition of the system’s value for the company’s work and its serious impact on reducing the cost of archiving”, says E. Solomatina.

Federal State unitary enterprise “Main Radio Frequency Center” (MRFC) is in the structure of the Federal Service for supervision in the field of communication, information technologies and mass communications (under Roscomnadzor), it ensures efficient use of the radio spectrum, provides organizational and technical measures for appropriate use of radio frequencies, radiofrequency channels and electronic radio equipment.
MRFC examines the electromagnetic compatibility of electronic radio equipment; a positive opinion on the examination of electromagnetic compatibility is mandatory for the sale and use of all radio electronic resources in the country.
