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FBK Grant Thornton About Sustainable Development

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Partners of FBK Grant Thornton have participated in the Sustainable Development Forum “Common Future 2019”.

Partner Vladimir Skobarev moderated the session “Efficient Development Institutions: Transparency and Digitalisation” dedicated to Sustainable Development Goal 16.

“This goal aims to promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. The session attendees discussed the progress achieved in recent years, new tasks, the role of digitalisation and other issues,” Vladimir Skobarev says. 

Partner Irina Dubinina was also invited to speak at the session. She says that not only commercial companies but also public authorities have significant economic, social and environmental impacts on sustainable development.

“By applying international best practices, we can assess such impacts and contribution of each public authority towards the attainment of common sustainable development goals, tasks and indicators,” Irina Dubinina says.

The Common Future Forum is an international multifunctional platform that brings together public officials, businessmen, social activists and scientists to discuss all 17 sustainable development goals.