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FBK Grant Thornton and En+ Group partner up

Date of publication
FBK Grant Thornton and En+ have entered into a cooperation agreement which provides for the rendering of support for the Group in further development and improvement of corporate information systems.

As explained by Elena Tyutyunnikova, Project Manager, Director for Accounting Standardization and Development at FBK Grant Thornton, this is one of the landmark projects for FBK in accounting methodology in 2016.

According to Elena Solomatina, Director for Corporate Management Systems at FBK, charged with IT issues for the purpose of the project, this engagement is, no doubt, a flagship one for FBK Grant Thornton. It is of interest for us in terms of the scope of the Group’s business and technical implementation facilitated by a new 1C product.

Elena Tyutyunnikova went on to say, «Our expertise both in elaborating methodology and engineering computer-aided systems gives us the necessary strength to ensure more flexibility and manageability of the project configuration for the convenience of our clients».

En+ Group is the Russian leading industrial group which brings together companies operating in metallurgical, energy, ore mining and other sectors. En+ Group is the today’s leading group in mining and metallurgical and energy sectors. The Group’s companies lead the pack locally and globally in terms of aluminium and other non-ferrous metals production, as well as production of coal and electricity, iron ore mining, copper, gold and rare-earth metals production, implements projects in nuclear energy and logistics.
