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FBK Grant Thornton School and Russian Presidential Academy on Internet of Things

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FBK Grant Thornton School and the Finance and Banking Faculty of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration have arranged a seminar on IoT in different industries for students obtaining MBA in digital banking and finances and students obtaining MBA in business, accounting and law. Alexey Katrich, an Associate Professor of the Finance and Banking Faculty, and Denis Muravyev, the General Director and one of the founders of GoodWAN, spoke at the seminar.

Denis said that the main consumers of IoT products are public agencies that develop smart cities, banks, manufacturers, extracting companies, real estate developers, transportation, logistics, retail and agricultural companies. “We have been living in a world where elements of the city infrastructure are managed using IoT technologies that control traffic, lighting, water supply and other processes. There are more and more IoT applications in different areas, there are new opportunities to improve complicated processes, cut down costs and eliminate the impact of the human factor thanks to IoT.”

In most cases, an IoT device is a sensor that transmits data about a connected object, its features and space around it. IoT devices may have various applications and some of them have not even been studied. These devices have been used to cut down waste disposal costs in the banking sector, monitor compliance with uniform regulations, assess risks of man-made disasters and accidents, control human resources and measure air quality in the construction, production and mining industries.

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