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FBK is Russia’s recognised audit market leader

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According to “Auditor” publication, FBK ranks first among Russia’s audit firms.

FBK outranks others in the sector and is assigned the highest rating A+++ in terms of reliability, the rating draws on revenues, reputation and company size.

The rating experts noted the firm’s excellent performance and the high relevance of its core services, audit and assurance, and advisory but above that its corporate social responsibility, commitment and active role as charity provider.

According to Sergey Shapiguzov, President of FBK, high rating assigned to the firm based on its performance which draws on the judgement of the professional community is crucial for us. It is just another independent reliable acknowledgement of our firm’s successful journey.

Auditor publication is one of Russia’s first professional periodicals in the audit market. Published since 1994. The ratings featured in the publication draw on the expert survey results, enjoys credibility among professional market players are relied upon as a guide for selection and comparison of training centres.
