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FBK Joins UN Global Compact Local Network

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FBK Grant Thornton has joined the UN Global Compact Local Network in Russia.

By joining the network the company affirms its committment to the UN Global Compact Ten Principles and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This means that FBK’s strategy is to integrate in the global sustainability processes, to extend the potential of Russian business and society in contributing to the global agenda and to improve investment prospects of the Russian economy.

The Russian Local Network brings together over 50 participants that operate in the majority of Russian regions. Among the participants there are such large companies as Vnesheconombank (the chair of the Russian Network since 2013), Rosneft, Rusal, Severstal, Nornickel, RusHydro, RZD, Lukoil and others. On the whole the UN Global Compact includes more than 13,000 participants from 160 countries and more than 80 national networks.

The UN Global Compact is the world`s largest corporate sustainability initiative, a call to companies to allign strategies and operations with universal principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption, an attempt to mobilize a global movement of sustainable companies and stakeholders. 
