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FBK Legal at St Petersburg International Legal Forum 2017

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The St Petersburg International Legal Forum was held past week in the north capital of Russia. Historically, FBK Legal has been a permanent participant of the Forum. This year’s role of the FBK Legal team has been marked with unusual scale and ambition.

The Forum was launched by a business breakfast “Unjustified tax benefit: Balance between business and state interests” organised conjointly with the Kommersant Publishing House. The breakfast meeting has brought together an Advisor to the President of Russia, federal judges, representatives from Russian largest companies and business associations. The discussion was moderated by Galina Akchurina, Head of Tax litigation practice.


FBK Legal lawyers also took part in a number of significant sessions of the Forum. Alexander Ermolenko offered his insights at the “M&A deals: Trends and Challenges for the Russian Business” session. Sergey Ermolenko, Head of Anti-trust practice, invited the audience to discuss the digital technology market regulation.


FBK Legal also appeared as experts and talented polemicists at “Pre-revolutionary Partisan Moot Arbitration Battle”. A three-round battle saw the teams from FBK Legal, KPMG, KSK and Capital Legal Services trying to resolve a high-profile case relying on the past legal precedents, develop line of defense of prominent historical and literary characters and, finally, defend their positions taking on the roles of political party officials of the State Duma of pre-revolutionary Russia, including Kadets, Octobrists, Bolsheviks and SRs. The FBK Legal team was given a special jury award for “Loyalty to Principles”.

