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FBK Legal held the First National Case Competition

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FBK Legal became the organiser of the Legal Cup-2016 event, the First National Legal Case Competition among undergraduate teams which attracted undergraduates from the Russian law schools of higher education.

Forty three teams of students from Moscow and other Russian cities, including Chelyabinks, Kazan, St Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Voronezh, Yekaterinburg, took part in the competition.

A number of practical tasks were set before the competing teams in such areas as corporate law, M&A, tax optimization, bankruptcy legislation. The participants were expected to demonstrate awareness of structural aspects of financial and industrial groups, the entity’s management structure, negotiation skills.

The fierce competition eventually ended in favour of a team from the Lomonosov Moscow State University. A team from Higher School of Economics and Maria Pavlova, a student from Kutafin Moscow State Law Academy were given the jury’s choice awards.

The pronounced winners of the competition will enjoy the opportunity of doing an internship at FBK Legal, a Russia’s leading law firms.

As explained by Alexander Ermolenko, a FBK Legal partner, we at FBK Legal are committed to promoting and educating young lawyers, among other initiatives.

Alexander went on to say, that “FBK Legal has been taking part in organising and delivering a series of workshops for a number of few years in joint efforts with Russia’s leading law schools, specifically, with the MSU and the MSLA, provide internship opportunities and practical postgraduate seminars. We believe such initiatives are highly beneficial for the professional development of individual lawyers and generally for the legal community, to say nothing of beneficial effects for the professional environment.”
