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FBK Legal joins the “Games of Masters”

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Alexander Ermolenko, FBK Legal Partner, took part in the “Games of Masters”, an initiative promoted by the School of Masters project implemented at the Department of Law of the Lomonosov Moscow State University.

The rules of the Games have it that each team made up from students is headed by a practicing lawyer from a leading law firm or a major corporation. Within a few weeks the teams will be preparing their projects, making up a corporate deal, analysing underlying regulations, setting up a litigation, and finally giving a show to the jury. The team with the strongest results will be pronounced the winner.

One of the teams was headed by Alexander Ermolenko. He has expressed the hope that all participants, including students and coaches, will be able to effectively apply their skills and improve their qualification, with students acquiring hands-on experience under the leadership of best-in-class lawyers, while coaches will be able to further develop their management skills.

The lawyer noted that FBK Legal has been supporting educational projects and programmes for over a number of years. These initiatives facilitate the exchange of experience and expertise between company people and under- and postgraduates with specialisation in law.

Masters’ School is an initiative implemented at the Department of Law of the Lomonosov Moscow State University to enable young aspiring lawyers to apply their knowledge to real-life cases while learning at workshops, seminars and practical classes.
