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FBK managers are named among “1000 most professional managers of Russia”

Date of publication
On September 20, 2011 the 12th rating of “1000 most professional managers of Russia” which is annually compiled by The Russian Managers Association (AMR) and Kommersant Publishing House was published. As the official release of The Russian Managers Association highlights the rating “traditionally summarizes work of Russian managers for the year expired”. Meanwhile five FBK managers were named among the best in the section “Professional Services”:

Sergey Lomize, FBK Vice-President
is among the best CFOs;
Irina Sukhova, FBK Vice-President in Corporate Development
is among the best marketing directors; 

Sergey Kostakov, FBK HR Director is among the best HR Directors

Andrey Zhukov, FBK PR Director is among the best PR and corporate directors; 

Yuri Nemcheninov, Director of FBK IT Department is among the best IT directors. 

The ranking methodology is based on “the best choose the best” principle. At the same time not only objective showings of the company’s operations are assessed (production volume, returns etc.), but professional reputation as well.