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FBK Obtains Accreditation from Vnesheconombank

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FBK has successfully obtained accreditation for audit, consulting and valuation and was entered in the register of specialized companies which comply with Vnesheconombank requirements.

According to Stanislav Novikov, Partner and Director of Valuation Department at FBK, in order to be included in this register a firm needs to meet certain criteria. “First of all, a firm needs to meet requirements raised by Vnesheconombank which include work experience, number of employees and so on. In addition, the firm must have no reputational risks, for example, claims from the regulator or confirmed evidence of low quality of services. And FBK meets all these requirements,” he said.

Vnesheconombank is a government-owned development bank which operates to assist in implementation of the state socio-economic policy, enhance competitiveness of the Russian economy and provide for its modernization by means of innovation.
