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FBK Participates in UN Global Compact Conference on Business and Human Rights

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FBK Legal Lawyers Alexander Ermolenko and Valentina Polyakova have participated in a press-conference titled “Business and Human Rights. International Cooperation. National Strategy”. It was held by the Global Compact Network in Russia with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

FBK Legal Partner Alexander Ermolenko has presented an analysis of Russian legislation for compliance with the UN Global Compact requirements. He underlined, “The results of our research show that our legislation conforms to the world standards. But established rules are often not used or used incorrectly, therefore, our main recommendation in the report is to generate consistent legal and administrative precedents in this respect.”

The press conference was held prior to the Sixth Annual UN Forum on Business and Human Rights in Geneva, Switzerland, which in 2017 for the first time officially includes a special programme of the Russian delegation.

The UN Global Compact is the world’s largest initiative for businesses willing to improve their competencies in corporate social responsibility and sustainability by committing themselves to progressive values related to human rights, labour relations, environmental protection, anti-corruption management and to make their contribution to achievement of sustainability objectives until 2030.
