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FBK to audit Gazprom in 2017

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FBK has become the winner of an open tender for the right to do the audit of accounting (financial) reports for Public Joint Stock Company Gazprom, as well as consolidated accounting and financial reports for Group of Gazprom under the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for 2017.

"We have won the tender for the right to audit Gazprom reporting for the third consecutive year. This happened for the first time in 2015. I believe that the fact that we have won yet another tender is one more confirmation of FBK's professionalism and impeccable business reputation, as well as the readiness of Russian specialists to compete with western auditors on equal terms," noted FBK President Sergey Shapiguzov. He reminded that FBK had been working with Gazprom since 1996 and provided audit services to the group's largest companies. He also added that FBK audit reports were strongly sought for by all key international financial institutions and legal advisers.

Ascold Birin, FBK Partner and Director of the International Reporting Department, noted that the company's experts had accumulated a lot of experience in auditing IFRS reports for companies in the fuel and energy sector. "FBK's in-depth industry competences allow us to provide our clients, regardless of their scale, with a broad range of professional services of any scope while taking into account the specifics of each business," summarized Mr Birin.
