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FBK to audit largest players in the nuclear sector

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FBK was declared the winner of a tender for an audit of statements of 60 companies of Rosatom State Corporation.

FBK auditors will audit annual financial statements for 2016 prepared in accordance with the RAS of the Rosatom entities, including Rosenergoatom concern, TVEL JS, uranium mining and enrichment companies, companies manufacturing nuclear plant equipment, sector R&D institutions, design bureaus and R&D and production organisations, including Dollezhal R&D Institute of Power Engineering, JS Experimental Design Bureau Hydropress, Karpov Institute of Physical Chemistry, Afrikantov Experimental Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau.

As explained by Natalya Kulakova, Project Manager and Deputy Director Audit and Assurance Department (RAS), audit of Rosatom entities and its successful completion are our key imperatives.

She went on to add, “FBK has amassed extensive experience in auditing nuclear sector entities. In-depth understanding of a specific nature of their activities and highly qualified team of auditors empower us to accomplish projects of any complexity, sophistication and scale.”

Rosatom Nuclear Energy State Corporation (Rosatom State Corporation) unites civil companies of the Russian nuclear sector, defense nuclear facilities companies, research and development organisations and a nuclear icebreaker fleet. Rosatom is Russia’s largest generating company, maintains leadership in the world’s nuclear technologies market, contributing a 40-percent share to the world’s uranium enrichment services market and 17-percent share of the nuclear fuel market.
