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FBK to audit the 2016 financial statements of Gazprom

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FBK, LLC has been pronounced the winner of an open tender for the right to audit accounting (financial) statements of Gazprom, PJSC, summary accounting statements of the Gazprom Group and consolidated financial statements of the Group for 2016 prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

The President of FBK, Sergey Shapiguzov, said “We audited the Gazprom’s statements for the first time in 2015. I believe, the newly won tender once again acknowledges professional expertise and impeccable business reputation of FBK.” He recalled the long-standing cooperation the company has maintained with Gazprom since 1996 and noted that the company currently provides audit services to the Group’s largest entities.

Askold Birin, a Partner at FBK, Director for International Reporting, added that the FBK team has gained vast experience in auditing IFRS reporting of the energy sector. He summed up by saying that “our in-depth expertise has enabled the winning of largest companies from energy, extraction and processing sectors of the fuel and energy area.”
