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FBK to provide advisory services for Gazprom dobycha Orenburg

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FBK has won the tender for advisory services in transfer pricing to be provided to Gazprom dobycha Orenburg, an oldest Gazprom company.

According to Zlata Marenkova, Project Manager, Senior Manager at Financial Advisory Department, FBK will prepare documentation on market level compliance of pricing for controlled transactions completed in 2014.

She went on to say, «Preparation of documentation on controlled transactions is stipulated by the applicable legislation and enables to mitigate transfer pricing risks for a business».

She noted also that this assignment flows organically from continued cooperation between FBK and Gazprom dobycha Orenburg. In 2014, the FBK team was engaged to prepare documentation for the Company on the transactions completed in 2013.

Gazprom dobycha Orenburg, LLC is a subsidiary of Gazprom, PJSC and Gazprom pererabotka, LLC. Basic activities include extraction and processing of hydrocarbons of the Orenburg oil and gas condensate field. The Company structurally includes a gas processing plant, the largest one in Europe, and a one-of-a-kind Russian helium refinery.
