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FBK to Provide External Assurance of Gazprom’s Sustainability Report

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FBK Grant Thornton has won a tender and signed an agreement for independent external assurance of Gazprom’s sustainability reports for 2019-2021.

FBK’s Partner Vladimir Skobarev says that auditors will have to verify whether the reports are in line with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards.  External assurance aims to build trust among stakeholders, improve the quality of non-financial information and, therefore, investment prospects.

“More and more investors expect that companies not only disclose non-financial information, but also has it assured,” he said.

FBK has cooperated with Gazprom since 1996 and provided audit services to the largest entities of the group. Since 2015, FBK has won all annual open tenders to audit the statutory financial statements of PJSC Gazprom, the consolidated accounting reports of Gazprom Group and the IFRS consolidated financial statements of Gazprom Group.  Since 2017, FBK has provided external assurance of Gazprom’s non-financial reports.

