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FBK to update pricing methodology applied in construction industry

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FBK was pronounced winner of an open tender for the right to update guidance documents on enlarged price norms applied in construction and structural solutions to be applied at the Federal Autonomous Institution “Federal Centre for Pricing Policy in Construction and Construction Materials Industry”.

In the nearest six months FBK experts will be focusing their efforts on extensive analysis of existing guidelines on pricing policies in construction effective in 2011 and 2014 to identify details which need to be updated to account for changed regulatory environment and current trends.

As explained by Vera Yakovenko, head of construction cost analysis unit at FBK, the revision activity will factor in effective legislation requirements, we will also draw on our proprietary data bases which contain current construction price levels, as well as external sources, including forecasts, estimates, relevant data bases made available by government bodies and expert communities.

She went on to say that “this task is intertwined into a large-scale construction pricing reform roadmap 2020 implemented by the Ministry of Construction. The outcome of our efforts will contribute to a general vision towards reforming pricing policy and budgetary regulations in construction industry.”

Federal Autonomous Institution Federal Centre for Pricing Policy in Construction and Construction Materials Industry is structurally a part of the Russian Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities authorised to carry out activities, provide services in pricing and budgetary regulation in construction as well as provide technical guidance to regional bodies and specialised industry organisatios on pricing issues in construction.
