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Irina Sukhova, FBK Vice-President, spoke at the joint meeting of relevant committees of the Audit Chamber of Russia

Date of publication
On 30 May an open joint meeting was held of the Committee for Statutory Audit and the Committee for Legal Affairs and the Law in the field of audit activities of the Audit Chamber of Russia, self-regulating auditor organization, nonprofit partnership (ACR SRAO NP). On 31 May the ACR SRAO NP general meeting took place.
Irina Sukhova, FBK Vice-President for corporate development, who heads the ACR Committee for Legal Affairs and the Law in the field of audit activities, made a presentation at the meeting of the Audit Chamber of Russia Committees on the ‘Topical issues of legal regulation of auditing’. She dwelt on the auditor’s legal status with the certificate of the new and the old standards, the questions arising in connection with the audit of socially significant economic subjects, she gave examples of auditor’s actions in challenging situations in the process of statutory audit.
FBK Vice-President stressed that Federal Law of 05.04.2013 No. 44-ФЗ ‘About the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services for the state and municipal needs’ coming into force from the new year will make a significant impact on the activities of the audit companies. According to the lawyer, the contract system will regulate state procurements from the stage of planning to the stage of evaluation of their efficiency. Besides, the law provides for a unified information system to comprise the data about all the stages of state procurements beginning from the stage of their planning. The unified information system will, on the one hand, be a tool to collect information in the field of State procurements, and on the other – a tool to control mutual consistency of data from different source documents. Control over the procurement will be carried out by the Authorized Federal Body (AFB), the Treasury of Russia and the Account Chamber.
FBK Company has been a member of the Audit Chamber of Russia SRAO NP since 2009.