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«Money transfer market: the primary trends». Deputy director of the FBK Bank Audit Department Roman Kenigsberg spoke at the NBJ roundtable discussion

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On October 23, 2012 in Moscow there took place the roundtable discussion «Money transfer market: the primary trends, key players, new mechanisms of interaction between banks and professional participants of the market» organized by the editorship of National Banking Journal with the assistance of Association of Russian Banks. At this event FBK Company was represented by Roman Kenigsberg, the deputy director of the bank audit Department.

Particularly he drew attention to the fact that the risk management money transfer operators system without opening bank accounts would be complicated in the future. Now their activity is restricted by only two statutory ratios – the equity sufficiency ratio and the liquidity ratio. But the temporary delays appear within the framework of the money transfer operations leading to the necessity of the partners` insolvency risk assessment. «Also it should be taken into account that the users of the funds transfer, E-commerce and M-banking systems are the persons among others who have no opportunity to use the traditional banking services now. For example the teenagers who actively use the system data for payment of any services in the internet: in online games or social networks», - the expert noted. According to him the disregarding by banks this segment is the strategic mistake. «In 15-20 years the active users of the funds transfer, E-commerce and M-banking systems will be the significant segment for the traditional banking operations. The approaches to the sale of all banking services in the future depend on their obtained skills and attitude to the financial services», - Kenigsberg emphasized.

Also the top managers of the leading Russian and international financial institutions and money transfer systems took part in this meeting.