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New Anti-Virus Webinar from FBK Legal

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Lawyers of FBK Legal has held the second webinar titled “Government Assistance for Businesses”. As planned, the topic was selected by the audience.

Natalia Ryabova, the Head of the Individual Taxation Practice, spoke about anti-crisis measures for payers of insurance contributions. She focused on changes in the law, reporting nuances and issues related to sick leave payments during quarantine.

Senior Expert Alesya Homich spoke about support measures for SMEs related to tax liabilities. The audience received a detailed description of such measures, their terms and mechanisms.

Attorney at Law Kseniya Gopkalo spoke about the moratorium on insolvency filings, its duration, the future of submitted applications and recovery of debts from fraudulent debtors.

Senior Lawyer Viktoriya Franchenko shared insights into support measures for SMEs that lease state-owned property. At the end of the webinar, Attorney at Law Elena Mende explained the specifics of the so called “repayment holiday”.   

All webinars are available in the special section of the website “Together Against COVID-19”, where you can find materials useful for businesses during quarantine.


You can watch the video recording here https://youtu.be/Hhxuw9PtL1A