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Rospotrebnadzor and FBK GT Report on Financial Consumer Protection

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FBK Grant Thornton’s consultants have arranged the Third International Conference “Financial Consumer Protection. Emphasis on Socially Vulnerable Groups of Population”.

A Report on the Status of Financial Consumer Protection in 2018 was presented at the conference. It was prepared by Rospotrebnadzor in cooperation with FBK Grant Thornton under the Joint Project of the Russian Federation and the World Bank “Financial Literacy and Financial Education in the Russian Federation”. 

Irina Dubinina, a Partner and the Director of Public Sector Advisory at FBK Grant Thornton, said that the conference was distinguished by the discussion of new mechanisms to be used to protect socially vulnerable consumers.

“It is important for us as consultants to see that materials prepared are used in practice for consultation of financial consumers, including socially vulnerable people.

The conference brought together representatives from Rospotrebnadzor, its regional offices and subordinate authorities, the Bank of Russia, national banks of the Republic of Belarus and the Kyrgyz Republic, the UNCTAD, the Ministry of Economy of Portugal, non-governmental consumer organisations, the financial consumer ombudsman in the insurance, micro-financing, credit cooperation and credit institution sectors, as well as the Project’s experts. The conference was closed with the expert round table dedicated to independent monitoring of financial consumer protection.