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Rospotrebnadzor and FBK Present a Report on Financial Consumer Protection

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FBK consultants have hosted an international conference dedicated to state regulation best practices for financial consumer protection and presentation of a public Report on the Status of Financial Consumer Protection in 2016. The report was prepared by Russian Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing (Rospotrebnadzor) together with FBK Grant Thornton within the framework of the Financial Education and Financial Literacy Project run by IBRD and the Russian Federation.

According to Irina Dubinina, Director of the Public Sector Advisory Department, such events have been arranged by the firm for several years but this year the conference has been attended by foreign experts and representatives of CIS local regulatory bodies, which made it a truly international event. “We are glad that the report prepared by FBK has been highly appraised by Rospotrebnadzor and the Ministry of Finance, as well as by the expert community. We hope that it will also be interesting and useful for financial consumers,” she highlighted.

The conference has been attended by the representatives of the Ministry of Finance of Russia, Rospotrebnadzor and its regional offices, the Bank of Russia, the Supreme Court, the banking community, international organisations and non-governmental consumer organisations. The conference attendees have found out more about financial consumer protection regulation and discussed opportunities to adopt best foreign practices in Russia for improvement of financial consumer protection. 
