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Rospotrebnadzor and FBK presented the report on the ‘State of consumer rights protection in the financial sector’

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On 21 June in Moscow Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor) and FBK Accountants and Business Advisors held a conference where the first in Russia public report was presented on the “State of consumer rights protection in the financial sector”.  
The conference was held under the Financial Education and Financial Literacy in the Russian Federation Project of the MOF of Russia and the World Bank. To the conference were invited the representatives of the World Bank, the MOF of Russia, public organizations concerned with and interested in consumer protection at the market of financial services, as well as the representatives of Rospotrebnadzor territorial bodies.  
Reports at the conference were presented by Oleg Prusakov, Rospotrebnadzor, head of the office for consumer rights protection, Tatiana Vodopyanova, representative of the International Confederation of Consumer Societies, Nadezhda Golovkova, co-chairperson of Consumer Union of the Russian Federation, Victor Maidanyuk, Chairman of the Board of FinPotrebsoyuz, and others. 
On the part of the FBK consultants a public report was presented by Igor Nikolayev, Director of FBK Institute of Strategic Analysis. Participants of the conference pointed out the public report being urgent and the need for further improvement of protecting the rights of financial service consumers.  
Rospotrebnadzor representatives thanked the FBK consultants for the organization of the conference and participation in the preparation of the public report “About the state of consumer rights protection in the financial sector”, which was used in the preparation of the state report about the consumer rights protection in the Russian Federation. In closing the conference Andrey Sinyagin, FBK director of the department for consulting services to the public sector voiced the hope that constructive proposals expressed in the discussion would make the basis for improving the contents of the Rospotrebnadzor public report in the ensuing years.