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The Main Radio Frequency Center is a new FBK client

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The specialists of FBK Department of corporate management systems began the implementation of the project on the automation of documents circulation for the Main Radio Frequency Center.

In the process of the project implementation it is planned to establish the system of the entity’s archives management and ensure its integration with the current AIRS system of the electronic circulation of documents.
The system shall support the transfer and retrieval of documents to the archives of the enterprise, to the off-site storage facilities and to the RF State Archive; administer the stock-list of files, integrate documents into the files, support the document worth expertise procedure, retro-conversion of documents and other services.

Vasily Sevankaev, the FBK Department of corporate management systems senior manager, points out that the scope of the project is about 400 thousand documents per year.

According to Elena Solomatina, the FBK Department of corporate management systems director, that is a complex but very interesting project, which allows using to the full extent the FBK competence in implementing the workflow system and the methodology of documents circulation.

The federal state unitary enterprise of the Main Radio Frequency Center (MRFC) is within the structure of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor), it ensures efficient use of the RF spectrum, carries out organizational and technical measures to ensure the appropriate use of radio frequencies, radio frequency channels and electronic radio instruments.
The MRFC provides the expertise of electromagnetic compatibility of the electronic radio instruments; the availability of a positive expert opinion about the electromagnetic compatibility is mandatory for the sale and operation of all the electronic radio instrumentation in the country.